
Still Round

Yes we are still playing but the database has been down and scores are piling up awaiting entry to whatever system we use.

Oh and Clay we are still waiting for that West Chester report.


Super JED

Congrats to Mr. Dave for being the first JED Bros to enter an "official" PDGA tourney! But wait.... there's more!!! Not only did Dave have a good showing, he also became a video star. We all knew he could act but who knew he had a face for the camera.

Watch the video closely, especially around the 1:48 mark and never mind the llama shirt because as Dave said in his own words, he is still a JED Bros at heart.

Congrats Dave and thank goodness you made that putt!


Buch Yeah!

* JBDG Event Notice *
April 19, 2008
D.F. Buchmiller Park
Tee off at ?? AM
One or Two Rounds
No pre-round breakfast


Crowning the Snow King

The winter season is officially over and it now time to crown this season's JED DG Champion. So it is with great disgust and a little taste of vomit in my mouth that on behalf of the Bros I crown thee, Clay C. our 2008 Snow King.

Congrats Clay!!!
(All statistics are now available via our website)

In other news... The Spring/Summer League is now underway and unfortunately new statistics will be on hold until I create a new database (the old one crashed, sorry).

See you all on the course, in the woods or in the creek!


Anyone, a round?

Is any one up for a round either Saturday or Sunday?

I know Jay works Saturday morning but would be willing to meet for an early afternoon round on Saturday, preferably local (Creekside?).

Let me know.


No New Stories

No new rounds, no new pics, no new news. So I shall leave you all with a thought to ponder.

How do you think the word "news" came to be?

Is it because when people told each other of the new happenings around the world they could have been refered to as stories. So someone would ask any new stories lately? Then in typical human fasion, someone was lazy and created the new word "news" to replace "new stories". Possible? Yes. True? I have no clue but it sounds good.


2/10 Updates

The official JED Bros website has been updated to show current statistics and reports as 2/10/2008.

Current Winter League Standings:
1 - Clay (809)
2 - Dave (765)
3 - Ed (760)
4 - Jason (728)

Congrats to Dave for shattering the league's course record with a 59 (was 69) at Buchmiller on Saturday. Don't worry Clay about coming in second both rounds Clay you shot the lowest overall score (126) and beat Dave by 2 strokes.

Only 8 weeks remain before we start the Summer League so enjoy the snow and being able to find your discs while you still can.


Buch Yes!

* JBDG Event Notice *
D.F. Buchmiller Park
Tee off at 10 AM
Two Rounds
No pre-round breakfast



Just putting the feelers out to see if anyone is up for one round of disc golf this Saturday. I know Creekside has their chiller this Saturday but I honestly dont have the time to play 2 rounds. I'm thinking Pinchot regular or maybe even the new Pinchot that we have yet to play. Tee off around 9:30 or 10:00am, no breakfast.

Let me know, even if only one of you want to join me for outing I'll be game.

Hope all is well.



Look at us! Look at us!

JED Bros Disc Golf pictures have finally been uploaded for all to share.

Here are some easy to follow instructions to maximize your viewing pleasure
  1. Follow the link on the right hand side of your screen that says "..... Photos"
  2. Pick which set you would like to view
  3. Click "View as Slideshow" just above the pictures on the right
  4. After it loads, click on the "i"
    1. The semi-transparent lower case i; this gives you the story behind the pictures
  5. Now just sit back and enjoy the pictures and the stories
See it really is just that easy.


Cold Fish

With a tee off temperature of a mere 23 degrees, three of the JED Bros began their first of two rounds of play. The Brothers never seemed to fully warm up as they threw an unusual number of discs (and arms) into trees and the ground. Luckily, no discs were hurt but there may be a few arms that will need icing this week.

The first round was cold, wet and the Brothers stunk like dead fish. By the time they started to finally warm up it was already too late because there were only 7 holes remaining. Jason took the first round with a rather unimpressive 89. Ed followed with a 92 and Dave took last with an uncharacteristic 94.

Call it overconfidence, tiredness, hypothermia or whatever but the JED Bros actually started the second round worse then the first. Again discs meet trees, arms were popped and the Brothers swore that Codorus course was cursed. Ed won the second round with a personal best 87 while Jason and Dave followed with a 95 and 98 respectively.

While a congrats goes out to Ed for posting a personal best in such cold conditions which he says did not affect him because he cant feel his fingers anyway, we must also offer a word of support and quick healing to Jason who seems to have hyper-extended his shoulder while trying to avoid the trees and to Dave who seems to have lost that special touch on his disc... yes d-i-s-c you sickos.

The Bros will now enjoy a short layoff, as they are not due back to the course for until sometime in February.


See you at the Cod

*JBDG Event Notice *

Codorus State Park - Blue
9:00 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
One (maybe two) rounds
Pre-round breakfast @ Claire's @ 8:00 AM


Hello One, Hello All

Welcome to the official JED Bros Disc Golf blog site.

Here is the down and dirty.

JED Bros Disc Golf is just a group of guys who live in south central Pennsylvania and enjoy playing disc golf. No we are not pros, heck we're not even amateurs, but we do enjoy playing a round or two almost every Saturday morning, even if there is snow on the ground.

We created this site as a simple "press release" component to our actual homepage. Here you will find posts about when and where we will be playing, keep in touch with fellow members, as well as, any post detailing other events or crazy encounters with wildlife that our league members may have.

Simply put, this is a JED Brothers community where all disc golfers can come and share their thoughts about local courses, schedule times to play a few rounds with a few friends, make or meet some other local fellow disc golfers all while enjoying the misadventures of the JED Brothers Disc Golf members.

Feel free to respond to any of our posts and check back often as we will be updating this site about once a week. Oh and don't forget to check out our homepage (the link is on the side of your screen) to learn more about who we are and some of our league members.

Take luck,
